Grnata Real Estate Consultation, Feasibility Studies & Valuation

Grnata Real Estate Consultation, Feasibility Studies & Valuation, is another company under Grnata Group, featuring by its qualified and professional staff with long experience in the fields of real estate, engineering, architectural and legal. They study the real estate market and provide an analytical perspective and consultation to the various governments agencies, law firms, public and private institutions, that had a big role in supporting the national economy. It services include providing real estate consulting services for investors, banks, companies and others. It also includes real estate valuation that can be provided to the official authorities, as well as, for property owners to know the price of the property in the real estate market. This is in addition to the work of the feasibility studies which is necessary for some projects and construction development.

As for Grnata Real Estate Consultation, Feasibility Studies and Valuation, it has worthiness merit through its professional staff and strong management to be considered as the first consultant for many companies, public and private institutions, banks and others. It has been able to submit many consultancy and feasibility studies of many investment projects and properties of these institutions. Also mastering with highly professional the valuation of several large, medium and small real estate projects.

Speaking on the same period, ie since 2013 until today, it was full of accomplishments at all levels, whether consulting, feasibility studies or evaluation of properties of the various government and private agencies. During which the company was able to issue thousands of reports each year to the various parties. As for the type of properties that has evaluated, it has varied between large, medium and small real estate that worth up to billion dinars, such as, evaluation of some of the architectural landmarks and the huge estate. It was also able to provide many of the studies for archaeological landmarks and strategic projects in the Kingdom.


Grnata Real Estate Consultation, Feasibility Studies & Valuation

Office : +973 - 17564433
Fax : +973 - 17564443



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